
The season of rest, and it`s still serving as a source of seeds, shelter, and aesthetic. I love my #naturalisticgarden ...

November in my naturalistic garden. These hues resonate with my soul at this time of year. ...

After a Cooper`s hawk dramatically collided with my bay window last month, I ordered and installed these @featherfriendly window markers. Installing them was easy enough, but if my window was higher or larger, or if I wasn`t comfortable on a ladder, I would hire @kawarthabirdcontrol to do the job! I also supported this local business by sourcing the product through Kawartha bird control, ensuring I had the correct product for my need. Thanks for your support, Zach!

Eco-friendly gardening is about more than installing native plants. It means thinking across your entire space to have the least negative impact and greatest positive impact on all scales of our natural world. None of our homes is ever going to be perfect in terms of their environmental impact, but every little effort we make is going to make things better!

#fornaturegardeningandlandcare #gardeningfornature #natureinmyyard #natureconnection #birdfriendlygarden #birdfriendlyhomes #featherfriendly #beecitiespeterborough #beecities #birdcities @birdfriendlyptbokl

November is not sadness and is not death. It is light playing more eloquently upon our world. It is new hues cast across the skin of our beloved kin. It is gentle and quiet, reminding us to slow down and go inward. It is a beauty awaiting your open heart, to be revered.

Solidago canadensis, the strong competitor. A refuge for countless organisms as we prepare to tuck into winter.

#naturalisticgardening #gardensofnovember #natureconnection #getoutside #bringingnaturehome #fornaturegardeningandlandcare #nativeplantsofontario

Still out here doing my thing! ...

Strongly recommended!

Another brilliant book for my garden resource library!! These powerhouse humans have produced an incredibly thorough and beautifully-illustrated book on native flora for my part of the world. I love the suggested designs for various sites, the information on native pollinator habitat requirements, suggestions for folks that may not own land or have limited space, and the separate section on native grasses and sedges. This book has so much to offer budding and experienced habitat gardeners alike. I deeply respect the time and care put into excellent editing and source referencing - a testament to the quality of information being provided.

Thank you for making this native plant gardening thing easier and easier to do with another great book! @savewildbees @annsciart @homegrownnationalpark

#nativeplantsofontario #nativeplantsofthegreatlakes #grownative #habitatgardening #gardeningfornature #peterboroughgardening #nativepollinatorgarden #nativepollinators #forthebees #growwild #naturalisticgardening #fornaturegardening #fornaturegardeningandlandcare

My other hat as a college instructor had us visiting the City of Toronto for some restoration planting on protected sand dune habitat. What a perfect day for it! ...

Before and after of a flagstone patio we finished today! ...

For the first time ever, For Nature Gardening & Landcare Ltd. is offering services into the fall. I have some space open on my schedule over the next month. If you need any help in your gardens, please reach out!

#peterboroughontario #gardenersofpeterborough #fallgardening #peterboroughbusiness

I`m finding it fascinating that lavender is having such a good time this fall in all my clients` gardens. Anyone else? This photo taken today, October 6th, 2024. ...

#blanketflower is still pumping out nutrition for these late season pollinators. Do you have food to help feed the organisms that are still active and hungry in the fall?

This plant is native to more western parts of Canada, but is still a beautiful plant to add for a source of late season nutrition.

#gardeningforbiodiversity #gardeningfornature #forthebees #forthenativebees #pollinatorgardening #gardensforpollinators #fallflora #lateseasonpollinators #fornaturegardeningandlandcare

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Bring your love for your garden to a whole new level.