
Loving this gorgeous combination of #nativeflora in a client`s garden that is in full bloom this week!!

#culversroot (dwarf), #butterflymilkweed
#nativeplantsofontario #fornaturegardeningandlandcare

A fruitful year here in Southern Ontario! All of our fruit trees and bushes are hanging heavy with fruit like this beautiful native #chokecherry .

#fruitfulyear #nativetreesofontario #abundance #fornaturegardening

Isn`t this flower the coolest?

This is from the native shrub #buttonbush . It has a lovely, round, compact and low form (around 4-5 feet). In the wild, buttonbush grows in shoreline areas where its feet are wet, but it grows amazingly in residential gardens with much drier soils. If you`re looking for a shrub, I recommend giving this native beauty a go!

#nativeshrubsofontario #nativeplantsofontario #grownative

False sunflower!!!
#heliopsishelianthoides #nativeplantsofontario

Blue vervain by the pond = perfection. ...

Updated photo with 33 of the 35 flowers now open! 😲
This plant is blowing my mind and stealing the show in my garden right now, hands down.
#michiganlily #nativeplantsofontario #plantlove #grownative

Today`s satisfying before and after. The pollinators moved in the moment we brought the plants to site! It fills my soul to build #pollinatorgardens !

#gardeningfornature #gardeningforbiodiversity #nativeplantsofontario #forthepollinators

This design and install of 150 native and nativar flora today is going to be a delight for pollinators and for the senses.

#fornaturegardeningandlandcare #fornaturegardening #naturalisticgardening #meadowgarden #nativeplantsofontario #nativeplantgardening #pollinatorgarden #gardeningfornature #gardensforbiodiversity #ontarionativeplants

"That landscaper prunes weird!!

This is #fornaturegardening !!

While almost finished pruning this lilac, I noticed a nest with 3 beautiful little blue eggs in it. After a while, the parent Robin came by and was alarmed at my presence, so I knew the nest was active. I finished pruning the shrub but left the branches around the nest uncut so as to shelter the Robins from sun and predators. This shrub will undoubtedly look weird for a while, but after explaining to the client the importance of leaving these branches, they of course agreed to leave them until the babies hatch and fledge in just a few weeks` time.

These little adaptations can mean the difference between a landscape that is like a sterile museum of garden specimens, and a landscape that is rich in biodiversity and respects the Beings we share this planet with.

#wildlifegarden #wildlifegardening #respectmotherearth #gardensforbiodiversity #robinnest

Bring your love for your garden to a whole new level.